Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, January 3, 2025
It Is the Hour of Redemption!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on December 30, 2024

Beloved bride, behold the time foretold by so many of My prophets, is the hour of redemption! Pray, pray, pray.
I will take in Me all of you who call Me Father, you who acknowledge Me, honor, follow, serve and worship.
This Christmas is poor in Me, many children are lost in the lights of the world, they have forgotten their God Love: they no longer think of Me, they no longer thank Me, is not Me they celebrate!
The heavens thunder, the darkness has come! My beloved children, try to understand: ...away from Him Who created you you can do nothing, you have given yourselves to the world, you have turned your backs on your God Love, you want neither to accept His Word nor to keep His Commandments! Where do you want to go, My children?Without Me you are lost.
In My Immensity I have embraced you, I have given you of Me, I have breathed My Holy Spirit upon you and filled you with My Grace, but you have taken another way, you have given yourselves to the world, you have soiled yourselves with sin, you live without shame.
The Heart of God cries out His terrible sorrow for the loss of many children, ... Enough! It is time for transformation, it is time for new things.
Seek Me out! Convert yourselves! Do not abandon Life to follow Death.
Children of Love, prepare your hearts to receive Me, kneel before the Crucified One and beg for My mercy.
A terrible storm will occur shortly.
Source: ➥